Tuesday evenings are when we break bread. Learning together how to apply the word of God to our lives.
Worship service and sermon are delivered in Spanish. Temporarily cancelled till further notice.
Love, love, and more love, also learning about God, and creating friendships that last. Don't miss our special events throughout the year or our VBS program in August!
Fridays the youth get together with leaders of the church, to hear an encouraging word, spend quality time with quality people and just have fun. Temporarily cancelled till further notice.
It's such a comfort to have someone to live life with, a good friend who get's you. That is what we have. Wonderful friendships that are deep and loving.
Our men get together the first Sunday of the month for breakfast and look forward to Men's Camp which happens in May Temporarily cancelled till further notice
Prayer is Tuesday night before Bible Study.
We are connecting with our community leaders to make a positive impact
We do life together, whether it's drinking apple cider around a bonfire, or having a potluck at the church. We enjoy living out these moments with our church family.